Field trip – Red Istria

Western Istrian Anticline as an ideal natural laboratory for the study of the regional unconformities in carbonate rocks

Vodiči: Goran Durn, Ivor Perković, Marta Mileusnić, Milan Mihovilović, Maja Martinuš, Blanka Cvetko Tešović

Well-defined stratigraphic hiatuses of long duration and very gentle post-depositional tectonics within the Western Istrian Anticline enabled formation of the ideal natural laboratory for the study of major long-lasting unconformities in carbonate rocks. Regional unconformities are characterized by various terrestrial materials (palaeosols, bauxites, terra rossa, pedo-sedimentary complexes, loess–palaeosol sequences) formed in specific palaeoenvironments.

Field trip participant will visit four locations with different terrestrial materials associated with the four regional unconformities in the shallow marine carbonate successions within the Western Istrian Anticline, serving as indicators of palaeoenvironments, palaeoclimates and provenance: (1) Rovinj bauxite open pit (the Lowermost Kimmeridgian–Upper Tithonian regional unconformity, (2) Kanfanar quarry (the Upper Aptian–Upper Albian regional unconformity), (3) Minjera historical bauxite mine (the Upper Cenomanian/Upper Santonian–Lower Eocene regional unconformity), (4) Koreniki vineyard (the Upper Eocene–Recent regional unconformity).

Since viticulture is most developed in the wine-growing area Western Istria, which corresponds to “Red Istria”, the field trip ends with a wine tasting in the wine cellar of one of the most famous Istrian and Croatian winemakers, the Coronica family. In this way, the field trip participants will become aware of the importance of the soil as an attribute of both, terroir and geodiversity.


Polazak ispred hotela Valamar Diamant u 8:30

vožnja: hotel – ležište boksita Rovinj (cca. 45 minuta)

  • Ležište boksita Rovinj (9:15 – 10:15)

vožnja: ležište boksita Rovinj – kamenolom Kanfanar (cca. 45 minuta)

  • Kamenolom Kanfanar (11:00-12:00)

vožnja: kamenolom Kanfanar – rudnik Minjera (cca. 60 minuta)

  • Rudnik boksita Minjera (13:00-15:45) (s piknikom uz Mirnu ili ručak u restoranu Old River)

vožnja: rudnik Minjera – Koreniki (cca. 45 minuta)

  • Crvenica – Koreniki (16:30-18:30) (s kušanjem vina)

vožnja: Koreniki – hotel (cca. 50 minuta)

Povratak u hotel do 19:30

1st unconformity. Rovinj bauxite open pit. Rovinj

2nd and 4th unconformity. Cretaceous paleosol and terra rossa soil. Kanfanar quarry

3rd unconformity. Minjera historical bauxite mine. Mirna valley

4th unconformity. Terra rossa in Koreniki vineyard. Koreniki

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